From the end of the 19th century, the development of liberal education in China was mutually influenced by the traditions and developments from within China and in the West. This in turn led China to explore the model of liberal and general education as it exists today within its higher education model. Chen Yidan Foundation and the Graduate School of Education, Peking University jointly invites local and overseas scholars to have presentations and discussions on the related topics under the core theme of - exchange between liberal education of China and the West. (Click here to download the forum agenda)
Date & Location: January 3-4, 2020. Beijing
Dean of the Graduate School of Education, PKU
Secretary-General, Chen Yidan Foundation
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Peking University
Vice President (Academic Affairs) and Professor, Beijing Normal University -Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
Professor and Director, Common Core, University of Hong Kong
Associate Dean and Professor, The Graduate School of Education, Peking University
PhD Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Professor and Vice Dean, Institute of Education, Tsinghua University
Professor and Deputy Dean, Xinya College, Tsinghua University
Professor and Vice Director, Institute of Education, Examination Research Center at Xiamen University
Dean and Research Professor, The Institute of Examinations, Peking University
Vice President, Chair Professor, Lingnan University
Professor, Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan
Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Ph.D. candidate student, Beijing Normal University
Professor and Vice Dean, Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University
Honorary Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Professor of Sociology & Adjunct Professor in the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Georgia
Director of Graduate Program in Education, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, York University, Canada
Professor and Dept Chair, Department of Education & Language Education Director, Peace Research Institute, International Christian University, Japan
Dean of Faculty and Professor of Science, Soka University of America, USA
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